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Have a look at other organisations and community groups listed below.  

To see what's going on in Gorton
Click on the 'Visit Here' button below.


All FM 96.9

We train those at risk of isolation in our communities in radio production and live broadcast. All training culminates with a live show. After training we offer the participants the opportunity to become a volunteer presenter and/or producer on ALL FM 96.9.

Our ethos is "By the community, for the community"


Age-friendly Manchester

Age-Friendly Manchester is a partnership involving organisations, groups and individuals across the city playing their part in making Manchester a great place to grow older.


Age UK

Too many older people feel they have no one to turn to for support. We exist to help older people when they need us the most.

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The Bread & Butter Thing

We target communities who are really struggling to afford the everyday basics. We know from our conversations with them, that they regularly skip meals and rarely have the luxury of household goods without having to make some tough choices. To reach our members, we develop partnerships with local community organisations that are in a position to recommend the services of TBBT and recruit members.


Buzz Manchester

Our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of people and communities in Manchester, to help individuals and families live fuller, healthier, happier and longer lives.


Campaign to end loneliness

The Campaign to End Loneliness believe that people of all ages need connections that matter.

We’ve been experts in the field of loneliness and connection since 2011. We share research, evidence and knowledge with thousands of other organisations and the public to make a difference to older people’s lives.

We inspire everyone to connect and bring communities together across the UK.


Centre for Ageing Better

At the Centre for Ageing Better we want everyone to enjoy later life. We create change in policy and practice informed by evidence and work with partners across England to improve employment, housing, health and communities.


Gorton Visual Arts

Gorton Visual Arts has been creating artwork in and around Gorton and Manchester since 2006. We meet once a week at the Aviary Community Rooms in Debdale Park. The group is made up of 18 local residents and Lead Artist Ian McKay.

By involving elderly residents, vulnerable adults and residents with learning difficulties, in  a safe studio environment  new skills are learnt and shared.


Greater Manchester Older Peoples Network

The Greater Manchester Older People’s Network (GMOPN) was established in October 2015 following a consultation with older people in Greater Manchester. The development of the GMOPN is supported by the Ambition for Ageing (AfA) programme and facilitated by Macc. The aim of the GMOPN is to inform and influence Greater Manchester strategies that affect older people.


Irish Community Care

“Working Together to Build a Thriving and Resilient Irish and Wider Community, Fully Engaged in Life within Manchester” Offering Support, Advice & Guidance


Levenshulme Good Neighbours

Levenshulme Good Neighbours is a local charity that helps older people to lead independent and fulfilling lives as active members of their community.

We do this by recruiting volunteer befrienders from the local community who support older people in a wide range of social, emotional and practical ways.


Levenshulme Inspire

The Inspire ethos is to put on events, classes and activities which benefit the people of the surrounding area through community activity, creativity, enterprise and fun. But we also aim to draw people in from further afield to both take part in our activities and to see the positive aspects of our neighbourhood.

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MCR Local Care Organisation

Manchester Local Care Organisation is a pioneering new type of public sector organisation that is bringing together NHS community health and mental health services, primary care and social care services in Manchester. We’re here to improve the health of local people in the city, working as one team across traditional organisational boundaries.


MCR Care & Repair

Care and Repair exists primarily to meet the needs of older or disabled homeowners and to support all older and disabled people in living independently in their own home. Older homeowners are most likely to live in unfit housing yet, if they are receiving income support, there is no element to cover repair and maintenance. The health impact of cold, damp and unfit homes on older people is considerable and the disruption of a move, even if possible, may not be beneficial.


A link to the contact page for you to get in touch with Manchester City Council

Manchester City Council


Manchester Community Central

Manchester's voluntary, community and social enterprise sector with an extensive range of resources, information and tools designed to meet current and future development needs


Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing

We are situated in the heart of Manchester, the UK’s first city and region to achieve the World Health Organization (WHO) age-friendly status. We undertake cross-disciplinary and collaborative research to address the challenges posed by our ageing populations across the world.

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Peter Quinn Dementia Group

Anyone affected by dementia or cognitive changes in anyway is welcome to join us. We have a fun day and lots of support waiting to help everybody.


Royal Voluntary Service

In every corner of Britain, Royal Voluntary Service mobilises volunteers to support those in need, in hospital and in the community. Through the gift of voluntary service, our volunteers provide much-needed support for over-stretched public services and for people as they age. 

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